Design project

3D Bass

The 3D bass is a fretless active bass guitar that is built using only Fablab methods.

The 3D Bass is a collaboration with Alex Schaub, Alice Mela, and Carsten Lemme.

In parallel with my internship at STEIM, I contributed at Fablab Amsterdam to the Sharkbass project. Together with Alex, Alice and Carsten, I worked on realising a high quality fretless bass guitar using the Fablab methodology.

In this project, we explored whether it is possible to create a bass guitar using the Fablab methods. Alex lead this project as it was his dream to build his own bass guitar. I was in charge of the electronics, which we build from scratch. The two vintage jazz pickups were wounded manually (with an Arduino powered mill) and the circuits were hand-made. After more than 40 hours of milling and many more hours of construction, the 3D Bass was born.


Here is Alex demonstrating the 3D Bass. More info on