
The client for this project owns a recreational holiday house in Austria. They wanted a simple website to promote their property and to increase visibility online.

Commissioned webdesign:

The client for this project owns a recreational holiday house in Austria. They wanted a simple website to promote their property and to increase visibility online.

The strategy was to make a simple one-page website that is mainly visual, showing the modern interior of the property and the unique surroundings, both during winter and summer season. The page refers to the booking agent that manages the listing.

Additionally to the website, I quickly designed a simple logo to complement the graphic style on the webpage.

The main audience is Dutch. However, Austria is a popular holiday destination with Germans as well, both in summer and in winter. The site is therefore translated into German and English as well, to increase the website’s reach.

Developing this website was my first professional experience with HTML and CSS. The site is powered by WordPress, and runs a custom theme, based on an off-the-shelve WordPress theme.