
The website of my band Bag on Wheels needed an update. The allround-cover band wanted a website to showcase the ability to make a party out of any event with the best music.

Self-initiated webdesign:

The website of the band Bag on Wheels needed an update. The allround-cover band wanted a website to showcase the ability to make a party out of any event with the best music.

The goal was to create a page that emphasises fun and festivities, but makes the band intimate and approachable since the band plays mostly on private parties.


I developed a colourful one-page webpage that puts the people in the band central. Focus for me was on CSS (animations and dynamic content) to create a fun and happy experience for the viewer.

Social media

I repurposed existing WordPress plugins to allow the website to load external content to the page (Facebook, Instagram, Bandsintown). This required extensive coding in JS and CSS to make the information visually fit in the style of the website. It makes the website easy to maintain, as the band only has to update their regular social media to update the website.

The page is powered by WordPress, and runs a custom theme, based on an off-the-shelve WordPress theme.