PIM is a modular picnic set. Each module is designed to contribute one specific element of a picnic (cloth, table, food, music). Everyone can bring that one element of a picnic that they value most. Together this creates a picnic setting nourishing everyone’s needs. The open-ended adaptability of the system allows for personalisation and a different picnic every time.
Category: Design project
3D Bass
The 3D bass is a fretless active bass guitar that is built using only Fablab methods.
During my internship at STEIM, Amsterdam in 2011, I worked on a new wireless gesture instrument for the artist and composer Richard Scott. The WiGi, or Wireless Gestural Instrument, is a hybrid of the classic Buchla Lightning and custom electronics on the controllers. Process First, we developed WiGi 2.0. This second version was made more […]
The tactile modality is key for mastering and playing music instruments. But physical contact is one of the biggest taboos in western society. Con.tact is a reaction to this. It is a playful improvisation tool that can be played through human touch.
Tessella is an electric, kinetic heater which communicates its heating activity unobtrusively through dynamic form. Using shape memory alloys, which change form when heat is applied, it folds and defolds. Next to adaptive behaviour, Tessella allows you to control the heating activity through by expanding or folding it by hand.