
Trends in Lighting 2018

LED Professional Symposium (LpS) and Trend In Lighting (TIL) was an incredible gathering of architects, planners, designers and technologist. Bregenz provided some insightful days of workshops, lectures and exhibitions. The symposium was dedicated to bridging the gap between lighting design and lighting research and technologies by supporting collaboration, education and creativity.

An incredible sunset cruise over the Bodensee with all symposium participants.

My supervisor and I were invited speakers at TIL2018, hosted by Rogier van der Heiden. We showcased our unique position at the TU/e to design intelligent lighting from a user centred perspective, going beyond Human Centered Interactions. We presented our works in two presentations, one focussing on the in-depth research performed in my PhD, the other showcasing a broad selection of interactive lighting projects from our department.

Me and Harm van Essen presenting one of two presentations at TIL2018

Additionally, I represented the OpenAIS project at the LpS exhibition.

The OpenAIS demonstration booth

Thomas van de Werff, Harm van Essen. 2018. Why Is There A Light Switch on My Phone? The Importance of Interaction Design for Office Lighting. 2018 International Trends in Lighting conference – TiL ’18.

Harm van Essen, Thomas van de Werff. 2018. The Future Everyday with Intelligent Lighting. 2018 International Trends in Lighting conference – TiL ’18.