Design project Research project

Analytics dashboard redesign

The analytics of’s Customer Data Platform were outdated and considered lacking after competitor analysis. I was leading the UX for the project from need-finding to evaluation. Opportunity The goal was to make the Customer Data Platform product more competitive. The lack of useful analytics was the one of the major gaps that was identified. […]

Design project Research project

Mobile campaign creator’s web app to send bulk mobile messages on any messaging platform was updated to allow for rich media messages.

Design project

OpenAIS: Lighting control applications

Two control applications for an interactive office lighting system: a smartphone app for local lighting control anywhere in the office, and tablets with lighting control dedicated to the meeting rooms.

Research project

PhD: Designing for the Internet of Lighting

Doctoral dissertation about interactions with connected lighting systems and how its value permeates throughout the value chain.

Research project

Gamification of energy use for kids

Developing Prospera: an energy awareness game for children. A collaboration with Slim Opgewekt.