This project explored how the gift-giving experience of digital media can be enhanced with physical objects. The project resulted in Songtickets, a new way of sharing music as a gift by passing on a physical object, creating a music community together.
Tag: MSc.
Gift-giving of Digital Music
This project investigated how a physical instances of digital music can enhance the gift-giving experience. Two probes were designed and used by 20 participants. The results of the project include insights about the role of physical objects in gift-giving and reciprocity of digital and physical gifts.
PIM: a modular picnic set
PIM is a modular picnic set. Each module is designed to contribute one specific element of a picnic (cloth, table, food, music). Everyone can bring that one element of a picnic that they value most. Together this creates a picnic setting nourishing everyone’s needs. The open-ended adaptability of the system allows for personalisation and a different picnic every time.
The tactile modality is key for mastering and playing music instruments. But physical contact is one of the biggest taboos in western society. Con.tact is a reaction to this. It is a playful improvisation tool that can be played through human touch.