The website of my band Bag on Wheels needed an update. The allround-cover band wanted a website to showcase the ability to make a party out of any event with the best music.
Tag: music
Songtickets: Music as a Gift
This project explored how the gift-giving experience of digital media can be enhanced with physical objects. The project resulted in Songtickets, a new way of sharing music as a gift by passing on a physical object, creating a music community together.
3D Bass
The 3D bass is a fretless active bass guitar that is built using only Fablab methods.
During my internship at STEIM, Amsterdam in 2011, I worked on a new wireless gesture instrument for the artist and composer Richard Scott. The WiGi, or Wireless Gestural Instrument, is a hybrid of the classic Buchla Lightning and custom electronics on the controllers. Process First, we developed WiGi 2.0. This second version was made more […]
The tactile modality is key for mastering and playing music instruments. But physical contact is one of the biggest taboos in western society. Con.tact is a reaction to this. It is a playful improvisation tool that can be played through human touch.